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Five arguments in favor of using a dynamic ergometer

There has been a long-standing debate online about static and dynamic ergometers. Now we present the five arguments of training legend Carlos Dinares, "rowing visionary", in favor of dynamic exercise.

The static ergo requires more effort to accelerate the body weight, while its dynamic counterpart divides the acceleration of the body and the boat in the opposite direction. The essence of dynamic ergos is that the flywheel absorbs the energy better with movement, so during training you experience gliding on the water rather than rolling back and forth, i.e. it gives an experience and training work closer to rowing.

Carlos Dinares, a well-known Spanish coach in rowing circles, has many results to prove his work, and on his website, he also called himself a rowing visionary. Let's see his five arguments for using dynamic ergo.

Progress is measured in the speed achieved on the water, but according to Carlos, the key to this is the training work done on land, and from that specifically the energy invested on the dynamic ergo.

A dynamic ergo simulates real rowing because the rower's body moves much less than on a static ergo. The machine itself comes to the person doing the training, just like the boat on the water.
Injuries can be prevented with the dynamic ergo, as it reduces the pressure on the knees, spine and ribs.
With adequate force, the rhythm of rowing is better brought out by the dynamic ergo. The difference between the stressed and unstressed parts of the stroke is much greater compared to the static ergo, and it is this rhythm that gives the real pleasure of rowing.
With the dynamic ergo, it is possible to train with a high stroke rate for a longer period of time. Since the exerciser's body moves less, less time is spent changing direction. For example, a unit that wants to move 2000 meters with a stroke rate of 37 per minute in water can do this with the dynamic ergometer in the context of land training, as opposed to the static ergo, where it is not possible to pull with a high stroke rate in its full extent.
By using the dynamic ergo, correct coordination can be established right from the start. This is the key to efficiency, leading to greater speed with the same effort.

source: http://www.carlosdinares.com/

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